The PeopleFluent Blog

The Top 6 Benefits of a Modern Learning Management System
Considering investing in a Learning Management System? Find out more about the benefits of modern learning management systems (LMSs) in this blog post.
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Your LMS Integration Plan: Why are APIs so Important?
It's essential that your LMS can integrate easily with other systems. This blog post looks at why APIs are so important when it comes to upgrading to a new LMS.
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3 Ways to Modernize Your Performance Review Process
Employees and managers alike both dread performance reviews. It’s likely this view partly stems from the structure of the traditional annual review. Giving continuous feedback as part of performance reviews empowers employees to set achievable goals that determine future potential.
Talent Management
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Top 3 Benefits of Single Sign-On for LMS Users
Single Sign-On or SSO is a convenient and safe way for learners to access your LMS. Key benefits of SSO for a learning management system include a smoother learning experience, mitigation of LMS access issues, and increased organizational security.
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4 Tips to Provide Effective Training for Remote Workers
While training for remote workers is a must in certain industries, it’s also a way of meeting the rising popularity of mobile learning. Here are a few ways to ensure your organization provides great learning experiences for this growing group.
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Performance Management for Retailers: Giving New Meaning to “Retail Therapy”
Retailers face a cut-throat environment and one of the hottest battlegrounds is in customer service, where retailers hope to build loyalty and boost profits. Effective performance management can drive more customer-centric service and better store performance, aligning employee goals and, in turn, driving business success.
Talent Management
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Building an LMS Implementation Project Plan: 5 Things You Need to Know
An effective LMS implementation plan requires specific facets, including a well-structured team, strategic execution, and diverse pilot testing.
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9 Steps to a Better Onboarding Program
The new hire experience is a critical aspect of onboarding. And great onboarding builds a sense of connection and delivers real value for the organization by boosting employee retention, accelerating individual and team productivity, and increasing revenue. Here are 9 steps to build an employee onboarding program that sets up your new hires for success.
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The Future of Learning Technologies: DevLearn 2018’s David Kelly Talks Innovation and Trends
David Kelly, a key figure behind DevLearn 2018 and a leading voice on the ways technology can be used to enhance organizational training and learning, shares his thoughts with gomo.
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6 Takeaways for HR Leaders from HR Tech 2018
HR Tech is over for another year, and the HR technology community is back at our desks. Now is the time to look through session notes and see what we can apply to propel our teams to greater success in talent management. Some of the top takeaways from conversations with industry analysts touch specifically on trends in talent acquisition and learning technologies. Others are broader signals resonating across the market that are—or will be—driving innovations in HR practices, processes, and technologies.
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4 Pillars of Modern Learning for an Innovative Employee Experience
Compounded by the competitiveness of recruiting and retaining top talent, business leaders and HR managers face a common source of stress: the overwhelming pressure to keep up with change. Fluctuating trends in talent management processes and shifts in talent goals have typically been disconnected. But what weaves them together is learning, and today, it informs the very definition of the employee experience.
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5 Keys for Building an Employer Brand to Attract and Retain Quality Candidates
Employers now find that previously successful recruiting strategies aren't working. Here are ways to build your employer brand and attract good candidates.
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