PeopleFluent products

Talent management and learning solutions to help you guide your organization’s people, culture, and outcomes.


Make your compensation strategy your competitive advantage. Our compensation planning software helps you reward your employees and protect the future. So everyone wins.


Even the best hires don’t come pre-packaged with the skills of the future. PeopleFluent Learning helps you grow your workforce and stay competitive. And compliant.

Org Charting

If you can see it, you can plan it. OrgPublisher lets you see your workforce from every possible angle. So you can make more informed decisions.

Talent Management

Now more than ever, mid-to-large enterprises need to evolve how they manage their workforce to remain competitive and compliant in the talent market. PeopleFluent Talent Management is a robust suite of configurable performance management, succession planning, and employee development tools that enable HR leaders in highly-regulated industries to manage the entire talent journey.

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